Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I was walking down Haight Street Sunday afternoon feeling less than jazzy. A few strides a head of me, a woman I loosely know had stopped in her tracks, on her cell phone, cracking up and trying to pick up some random trash someone had left on the corner. I stopped to help her if she needed it as she put her phone call on hold. She pointed at a box set of videos laying in the pile of someones trash (and our new treasure). She explained that her arms were too full to carry this gem down the street but I should definitely take it. Hmmm,... a semi random lady encouraging me to steal some random videos off the street corner. SURE! These days all I do is come home from work and watch the same ol' VHS tapes anyway. And I don't know where a Blockbuster is, so devising any kind of change is far out of the question. I take her up on her offer. Come home and pop in a video as I'm making dinner later............ MY LIFE HAS CHANGED.

The funniest shit ever. If you ever want to ever feel like less of a crazy person and laugh even though you really don't feel like it, I'd say this is the ticket.


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